Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 15, 2012

The weather is still cold and rainy and of course we have a swim meet in Sahaurita.
I have to officiate so the kids can't bail on the meet.

It didn't turn out too bad :)

December 14, 2012

 On the 3rd day of Christmas my Mommy gave to me... Scratchers!
Wyatt was happy because he was worried all the gifts were going to be candy.
He was also the only one who won but he used his $10 prize money to buy more tickets and lost it all.

On our way to swim practice and it is cold and rainy. 
I am making the kids try to get rainbow pics out the car window.

Why haven't I ever thought to turn on the fireplace?!
I know how to do it now!

December 13, 2012

 On the 2nd day of Christmas my Mommy gave to me... Grinch Pills (aka Tic Tacs)
I couldn't find all green ones but the kids made due ;)

Madison was happy it was finally cold enough to wear a cozy sweater...

And to break out the flannel sheets!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 12, 2012

It's 12/12/12!!

Here is the 1st day of Xmas Gift

I am also going to give you a random Xmas decoration in our house...

And something random from outside the house...

December 11, 2012

For some reason I have decided to do the 12 days of Christmas for the kids starting tomorrow.
I had to make it end on the 23rd though because we are opening presents on the 24th!

December 10, 2012

 We are just not a hand/eye coordinated family.

We are a family that likes sweets and I thought of Lucy when I saw this at Fry's.
5 pounds of chocolate!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 9, 2012

For some reason Lucy is all about badminton

While Lucy is playing Wyatt is playing Dr. McPoop-Picker-Upper

He is making up for all the random charges he racks up on Facebook and iTunes

Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 8, 2012

Oro Valley Holiday Parade!

FAST marched in the OV parade this morning.

And then we went to Mama's Pizza for a giant pepperoni pie!

Since Madison curled Lucy's hair for the big event we went ahead and took pictures for her Discovery Girl application. 
She wants to be a Arizona rep like Madison was.

 She needed full body shots. She chose the one on the left.

And she needed an upper body shot. She chose the one on the right.

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 7, 2012

There is nothing else to say.
My first flat tire with nobody around to help.
Luckily a nice husband stuck this can in the trunk!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6, 2012

Another rushed morning. Madison has been going in early and I keep forgetting. No POD

Playing with Suzie in play yard.

Sunset. Haven't had a sunset picture in a few weeks ;)

My lame outdoor light display.

Our tree all ready for Thursday night football.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5, 2012

A little rushed this morning so no POD.

I ran hard yesterday and did a leg workout afterwards. I was slow but I did 10 miles today. If I would have known I would be one mile short of 4000 I would have squeaked one more mile out!!

I think I may have a JCrew T-Shirt problem...

December 4, 2012


I was trying to get how blue Wyatt's eyes were in the light of the window.
Picture doesn't do it justice.

I am a terrible Mom. I let Wyatt stay home from school because he felt dizzy but I let him go to swim practice since he had an amazing recovery after Lucy got home from school.

I almost forgot Madison's Spanish project. Very cute!!


December 3, 2012

No POD today. Just a pic of Madison in her CDO dance shirt that all the dancers are wearing today.

December 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma Patti!

We were still at the swim meet but we talked Wyatt into scratching finals so we could go home early.
Tough day. All our NFL teams lost also :(

Wyatt and Terry swimming side by side in 50 free just like old times!

Ted is in Modesto this weekend and put up his Christmas tree :)

December 1, 2012

Holiday Fest!

Wyatt went up on Friday but Lucy and I drove up early this morning after watching Madison dance last night. She is home alone this weekend :(

Wyatt has a lot of fly and IM's

Lucy had breaststroke and IM's

Lucy didn't make it to finals so Brooke took her to Jump Street
Wyatt would have rather gone their instead of swimming the 200 fly, 50 fly and 100 IM in finals. ;)

I am such a loser. I fell running this morning. Luckily I was only 1/2 mile from the pool.
I don't even know how it happened but it hurt!!

November 30, 2012

POD - I do not like the lying down ones.

It is also Madison's CDO dance team performance day!!

A little Bollywood

Hip Hop :)

Sexy Dance


It was a great show!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29, 2012


Lenny gets to go home from the hospital today. He had a blood infection.

I have no idea what is up with Suzie and all the misbehaving!!

The only thing better than a loaf of Jimmy John's bread is two loaves!!

November 28, 2012


Poor Lenny is in the Hospital with a blood infection :(

We also came home to find POOP all upstairs. 
This after Suzie ate a bunch of ornaments off the tree and killed a bird.

November 27, 2012


I love when they hang out together. It happens rarely!

I did get some outside lights hung today.