Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sun Rise and Moon Setting

The moon was setting as the sun was rising this morning.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

January Photo Book Pages

Look what I can do...
I took the pages I have done for January and made them into a .gif slideshow


What's not to LOVE!

Even though I did come home to her sitting on the chair!
Good thing she is just TOO CUTE!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Painting party

OK. So we painted Madison's room this weekend. She has only wanted to get rid of that rainbow for about 3 years...

So let's get this party started!

Halfway done...

Say goodbye to the rainbow!

Much, much better!

I will take more pics when the entire room is finished!
Meanwhile Lucy is laying in Madison's bed thinking her room needs to be purple too.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Haircut Day!

Madison has been waiting 'forever' to get her haircut!
Perfect thing to do over Rodeo Break.

And because this one keeps making me laugh I had to put it in...

That snowflake was not added in photoshop. It looks like it is heading straight for her tongue!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow... Round 2

As if one desert blizzard wasn't enough for one day... we got Desert Snow Part 2
I dropped Wyatt and Lucy off at swim practice and when I got home it started snowing AGAIN.

Madison was home and she posed for a few pictures...

Even Suzy was trying to eat the snow...

I wish I had pictures from the pool. I guess Wyatt kept getting out between sets to do snow angles. I know when I picked them up the coach was hiding. The kids were ganging up on him after they endured getting pelted by snowballs during practice by Coach Matt.

I went out and took some pics in front of the house...

I have never seen snow stick to the roads!

 Check out the poor confused bird at the top of the tree.

Can you see Suzy?

A little video..

And the best part... Snow still on the ground when we woke up!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tucson Blizzard!

I got out of hot Bikram Yoga today and got a text from Madison asking me if it was snowing.
I said I thought it was raining. I took a picture of the yoga sign and thought what is that white stuff?

I drove up Oracle toward home and all of a sudden I was in a blizzard! I couldn't wait to get home to take pictures!! I stopped at the back gate and took this...

I got home and took this picture and video of the front yard...

And here is the back yard...

Suzy couldn't figure out what was going on!

The kids finally got home and were all excited and made their first snowballs...

And I finally had somebody to model the snow for me...

You have to love a snow-topped cactus!!

The only problem is Match Play is in town this week. Golf in the snow!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lost Dutchman Invitational

We spent 3 days in Chandler, AZ for a big swim meet. 
The kids swim prelims in the morning and the top 10 swam finals at night.
Some events had over 100 swimmers.

Lucy swam well. She didn't swim her usual breaststroke races but got some new best times.

Wyatt finally had a meet where he got most of his best times.
He even got his fantasy goal time in his favorite 100 fly and also beating his nemesis.

Lucy's favorite part of the meet was going to the country's biggest candy store.

While Wyatt's favorite part was buying new swim gear.

It was a long weekend and Ted took Lucy home Sunday night because she didn't want to miss school on Monday. Tucson doesn't get President's Day off... we get Thursday and Friday off this week for the Tucson Rodeo. It was a very long weekend! This was our ride home.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Road trip!

The car is packed full and we are on our way to Phoenix to meet Ted and go to a 3 day swim meet.
Fun, fun, fun!


Testing out new editing styles. I need to pick one and stay with it!

I'm glad my #1 Model was home to help me out!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentines


Here is me with my Valentines..

Here is somebody who is NOT my Valentine this year!

 This is what the kids got...

This is what I am hoping to get!

Because after I eat all these I will only be able to fit into my shoes!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Shamrock Shakes

My brother Ryan loves Shamrock shakes and he sent me this picture of his kids

So my kids saw this and we had to stop after swim practice to see if they were really at McDonalds right now.

Yup. It's Shamrock time and we haven't made it through Valentine's Day yet!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Indoor Skydiving

Lucy got to go to go skydiving at a birthday party. Indoors.

She had a great time. Looked pretty fun!

Here is the video...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Suzie in the Snow

We woke up early for Saturday morning practice. I let Suzie out and saw this...

I didn't even know it was going to rain let alone snow!! 
Lucy didn't want to go to practice but Wyatt's comment was,
"Think how warm the water will be!"
Spoken by a true swimmer!!

Everyone has always said they wanted to see Suzie in Snow.


Friday, February 8, 2013


The kids (and dog) have been using the trampoline a lot since the weather has been nice.

Suzie joining the fun...