Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25, 2012

Still working the cop car. Why does Madison look green?

It drives my crazy that Suzie has to go in the pool a

Made some good quinoa with beans and veggies. 
Lucy said it looked like somebody really healthy barfed... so I made sugar cookies too.

Wyatt taking a pic of Suzie on our way to swim practice.

October 24, 2012

Still got the cop car in the OOD.
We left a little later for school. Haven't taken a picture with the sun up recently.

 Ran with my new shoes today. 
I bought them a while ago but my knees told me its time to break them out!

Also went to Bikram Yoga to work out the kinks.
The best part about yoga is the Starbucks next door afterwards!

Speaking of Starbucks... Is this really a Christmas cup holder already?

The other reason why I need the extra coffee


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23, 2012

Tried something new again with the OOD... used the cop car as a prop

Wyatt and Lucy had conferences today so we went out and celebrated at Starbucks.
Wyatt found a dead butterfly in the car grill. 
We then saw a baby bobcat coming up the back hill. I colored its eyes red but its still hard to see.

Sunset with Suzie includes my nice clean car that I washed just before.

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012

Trying out a stool prop for the OOD

Wyatt happy I got him moved up in math.

I need to show Lucy how to use a trampoline. Not as smart as I thought ;)

I never took a pic of the million dollar socks.
Well, not quite a million, but $15 for one pair seems like a lot. 
And he had to have more than one pair.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 21, 2012

The weather is a 'little' cooler so we went for a Sunday morning walk with Suzie


Suzie came home and went in the pool of course and doesn't understand why she can't come inside.

Twinsies!... and pic of the day.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 20, 2012

Zombie of the Day

Other than capturing zombies we were at a swim meet all day.
Another marathon session. Kids did great and got all best times.
Lucy got to be deck Mom for the little kids and Wyatt beat his breaststroke nemesis.

Lucy and Wyatt went to Fright Night at Old Tucson.

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19, 2012

My country girl OOD. It's still in the 90s. We can't wait for cooler weather!
Madison was so jealous of all the girls in San Fran walking around in tall boots and sweaters.
We will have about one week of that kind of weather months from now ;)

More pumpkin today. Oatmeal with pumpkin butter and pumpkin granola.

My runner (and her teammate) still has her splits. Just can't shake the dancer ;)

Sunset with Suzie

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18, 2012


More pumpkin. Pumpkin bagels and pumpkin cream cheese from Einstein Bagels. Yum!

Afterwards I re-sealed the floors. 5 coats and the dogs just watched me through the window.

Don't they look nice and shiny!

I finally made something from Pinterest.


Tonight's sunset with Suzie

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17, 2012

OOD. Madison is dressed like it is cold but it is still going to be in the 90s today.
Wishful thinking...

Madison curled Lucy's hair for her today.
She said she had a lot of boys compliment her hair today. Yikes!

My sunset with Suzie.

October 16, 2012

Madison's OOD

I never get pics of Wyatt and Lucy before school.
Here they are at the bus stop. I drop them off and take Suzie for a run/walk.

Lucy was so excited that her trampoline was delivered today.
This is one of the things she bought with her birthday money.
Probably my Pic of the Day.

I was home all day obsessing with pumpkin.

Here are my sunset pics from my afternoon walk with Suzie.

October 15, 2012

 Fall break is over and the kids are back to school so that means we get Madison's Outfit of the Day today!
She is wearing her new Lulu shorts that are not in my size :(

 I usually hate to run in a short sleeved shirt but I made an exception this morning and wore my finisher shirt from the race.
I love the green color!

Here is tonight's sunset on my walk with Suzie.

This will probably be my pic of the day


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 14, 2012

The big day is here!
We get up early and head over to the corrals. They won't let Mom in our corral so we have to go with her and we are the very END of the starting line. It is making Madison crazy. I try to explain that it doesn't matter because we have our chip time. It doesn't matter. 
35 minutes after the start gun we are off!!

We start and are passing walkers for the first 5 miles. 
Next year we are lying about our pace so we can start closer to the front.

We run almost all of the race so I don't have many pictures.
We couldn't even see the Golden Gate Bridge because of all the fog. 

Madison was running in front of me the whole time worried that we were slower than last year.
I kept telling her that we were going to finish 1 hour faster this year. She didn't believe me.
Finally, after 2 hours and 20 minutes we finish!

 And this is why we do it...

We see Mom when she has 2 miles to go she knew where to find us.
Everything worked out great. We had a 2:00 checkout so we all got to shower before heading back to the airport where we almost missed our flight again :)

Here are some random pictures I downloaded from the race. Great 24+ hours!!